
Anti-PE MicroBeads


Anti-Phycoerythrin (PE) MicroBeads are used for the indirect magnetic labeling and separation of cells or other materials labeled with a PE-conjugated primary antibody or ligand. The use of PE-conjugated primary antibodies and Anti-PE MicroBeads leads to the highest purity and recovery, even when the marker used for sorting is weakly expressed. Anti-PE MicroBeads UltraPure have been especially designed for cell separations from debris-rich biological starting materials.
Detailed product information
Background information
Anti-PE MicroBeads UltraPure have been especially developed for highly efficient separation of cells from debris-rich samples or other biological materials according to surface markers labeled with PE-conjugated primary antibodies, peptides or ligands. After separation the PE-labeled cells can be directly detected by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy without any further staining. Together with its ultrapure cell separation result even from debris-rich starting material Anti-PE MicroBeads UltraPure are the latest development of Anti-PE MicroBeads.
Anti-PE MicroBeads are well-established as a component of the Cytokine Secretion Assays for the enrichment of antigen-specific T cells. They have also been used to isolate antigen-specific T cells after labeling with PE-conjugated MHC Class I tetramers1,2 or MHC Class II tetramers3. Moreover, they have been used to separate a CD62L+ subset of CD4+CD45RO+ memory T cells from human adenoids, which had been pre-sorted by MACS® Technology4. The latest development of Anti-PE MicroBeads UltraPure enables high-yield positive cell separation using any PE-labeled primary antibody, even from low quality and rare cell samples.
For positive selection: MS, LS, XS, or autoMACS® Columns. For depletion: LD, D, or autoMACS Columns.

