
NK MACS® Medium, human


Optimized cultivation, activation and expansion of human NK cells. The xeno-free composition with no need for feeder cells ensures reproducible results.
Detailed product information
Background information
NK MACS Medium was developed for the cultivation, activation, and expansion of human NK cells. It is produced without animal derived components and contains stable glutamine, as well as phenol red. The complete xeno-free media ensures reduced variability and standardized performances during culture. Robust and consistent results are backed as no feeder cells are necessary for NK cell expansion with NK MACS Medium (though they can be combined if wanted).
As starting material isolated human NK cells or PBMCs can be used. When starting the expansion from PBMCs, NK MACS Medium favors NK cell growth. Its defined composition limits the growth and expansion of unwanted cells, such as T cells, NKT cells, B cells, or DCs). Expanded NK cells are fully functional and can be used in downstream assays, e.g. killing assays.
Translation is made easy with NK MACS medium, as it is available also in MACS GMP grade with the same formulation as the research product.

